Sunday 29 March 2020

Session Report: Forgotten Relics, Chapter Three

King's Dark Lanterns Subdue Droaam Menace
Dargli Steelwright reports for the 'Breland Trumpet'

Eberron | Sage Advice D&D | Page 16

Agents of the King's Dark Lanterns engaged in a fierce pitched battle yesterday with monsters from Droaam. An official statement from the King's Citadel says that, following an anonymous tip-off, agents were deployed to break up a Daask cell operating in our fair city of Sharn. Daask is a violent organised crime organisation comprised of monsters, with suspected links to Droaam nationalism. The battle started at the Daask headquarters, a tenement building near the Terminus lightning rail station. The Daask leader, a half-ogre called Garra, and many of her bodyguards escaped on to the lightning rail, but they were pursued by King's Dark Lantern agents. In a fierce battle inside and on top of the lightning rail coaches, Garra was captured. It's good to know that Sharn's streets are safe once more, thanks to the tireless work of the King's Citadel.

Monday 9 March 2020

Session Report: Forgotten Relics, Chapter Two

Goblin Widow Tells All
Dargli Steelwright reports for the 'Breland Trumpet'

Former goblin pageant queen and mother of six Nabslash Scardangler (pictured above) was married at eight years old. At ten, she is a widow. She had moved to Sharn from Droaam with her family in an attempt to find a better life. There, she met Gitshank Scardangler, who was to be her husband after a tumultuous one day courtship. Little did she know that tragedy was waiting around the corner. Gitshank worked as a private security consultant, along with his best friend Stabfank Toesnapper. The two were contracted to guard an excavation site in Old Sharn. However, after an altercation broke out between the goblins and a group of ruffians (almost certainly the 'adventurer' criminals who so plague our fair city), Gitshank was left for dead alongside his colleagues. Stabfank barely escaped with his wife. Nabslash was distraught, and turned to her dead husband's best friend for comfort. However, after their wedding two hours later, Stabfank was brutally garroted to death by Gitshank. It turned out that her ex-husband was not so 'ex-' after all! Nabslash witnessed the fight: "It horrible! Gitshank sever Stabfank's head with piano wire. Blood everywhere! Then he fall over into battle axe and accidentally decapitate himself!" When the Sharn Watch finally arrived, they found Gitshank had, indeed, somehow decapitated himself with Nabslash's battle-axe after killing Stabfank. The twice-widowed Nabslash intends to buy a yatch with the life insurance money from her two ex-husbands, and turn it into a casino. "Work will help me put tragedy out of mind!" said Nabslash. "Nabslash will tour world and scatter ex-husbands' body parts. Perhaps then Nabslash will be able to move on and find love again." 

Monday 2 March 2020

Session Report: Forgotten Relics, Chapter One

Reporter for 'Sharn Gazette' implicated in violence
Dargli Steelwright reports for the 'Breland Trumpet'

Image result for lightning rail station

Late-night commuters on the Lightning Rail got more excitement than they bargained for last night as Sharn's Terminus Station became the site of a desperate battle! Eyewitness accounts say that a renegade Warforged fought a running battle against feral Shifters and kobolds, doubtlessly members of some unsavoury street gang, with no regard for the safety of bystanders! The Warforged was brought down, but not before causing considerable property damage. There are also reports that Juniper Knox, a reporter for our rival paper, the Sharn Gazette, was also involved in the fighting, along with her own Warforged thug, one 'Bracer,' who this reporter was able to connect with the paramilitary extremist organisation, the Emerald Claw. This reckless endangering of the press speaks to the lack of professional ethics of the Sharn Gazette staff. City Watchmen were on hand and took the reporter and her Warforged into custody for further investigation, but were forced to release them. Who knows what deal was struck to arrange their freedom? One thing is for sure: as the discerning readers of our paper know, the Sharn Gazette will sink to any low in order to boost their flagging sales!

ALSO THIS ISSUE: "Are Warforged stealing your jobs?" See Page 2. "I bought a house in Skyway thanks to these five simple tricks." See Page 3. "King Boranel's Secret Love-Child Revealed!" See Page 4.

Monday 24 February 2020

Sharn, the City of Towers

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Sharn is the largest city in Khorvaire. It has a population of over 200,000 from all over the continent, and is the major port to access the other continents like Xen'Drik, Argonessen or Sarlona. It sits atop an ancient ruined hobgoblin city. Due to its geography, there is nowhere for the city to expand but upwards; now it consists of extremely tall towers. Generally, the higher up you are, the richer you are. Most of the Dragonmarked Houses also have their headquarters or a major enclave here. Sharn's impossible architecture is possible because it is in a manifest zone, a place where the boundaries between worlds is thin. Sharn is close to the Elemental Plane of Air. This is why the richest district, Skyway, literally flies above the rest of the city. Sharn has a hot, wet climate. In the majority of the city, it is always overcast (due to the towers) and always raining.

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Image result for sharn

In addition to a race and a class, every character has a background - this is what you were doing before being an adventurer, or in between going on adventures. There's lots more options than just these; these are just the ones that I think will play into the campaign. Ask me if you're really keen to be a Hermit or an Outlander; generally, these are the more urban, working-class options.

Acolyte: You're part of the clergy, probably for the Sovereign Host.
Charlatan: You're a trickster and huckster in Sharn.
City Watch:  You're a member of Sharn's notoriously corrupt City Watch.
Criminal: You're part of one of the criminal gangs in Sharn.
Entertainer: You're a performer or entertainer in Sharn. You might be an actor, musician, singer, or something else.
Folk Hero: You're famous for sticking up for your people during the Last War.
Gambler: You take part in illegal underworld gambling in Sharn.
Gladiator: You take part in the underworld pit fights in Sharn.
Guild Agent: You work for the Clifftop Adventurers' Guild in Sharn. Professionalism and competence are your by-words.
House Agent: You're a member of one of the Dragonmarked Houses, or you work for them. (Due to the disparate nature of the Houses, this might also be represented with a specific background, e.g. Guild Artisan for House Cannith, etc.)
Investigator: You're an inquisitive, or private investigator.
Mercenary Veteran: You were part of a mercenary company during the Last War.
Newspaper Journalist: You're trying to find the next big story for the Sharn Inquisitive, the Korranberg Chronicle, or another.
Refugee: You find yourself displaced as a result of the war, and are now living in Sharn. Ideal for Cyrans or even for Warforged.
Sage: You work for Morgrave University, the largest centre of education in Sharn.
Soldier: You enlisted and took part in fighting during the Last War.
Spy: You were a spy during the Last War.
Urban Bounty Hunter: You're an inquisitive, or private investigator, working in Sharn.
Urchin: You grew up on the streets of Sharn.

Dragonmarked Houses

There are twelve Dragonmarked Houses. They are extended families who are born with a hereditary magical birthmark/tattoo that gives them specialised magical power. Each house uses the power of their Dragonmark to ensure that they have a monopoly on a certain type of business. They are considered politically neutral and operate across national borders; this made them gain a lot of status during the Last War.

House Cannith
Race: Human
Dragonmark: The Mark of Mending
Business: Repair services; formerly arms dealing and warforged.

Dragonmarked House COA Deneith
House Deneith
Race: Human
Dragonmark: The Mark of Sentinel
Business: Mercenaries and bodyguards

Dragonmarked House COA Gallanda
House Ghallandra
Race: Halfling
Dragonmark: The Mark of Hospitality
Business: Hospitality

House Jorasco
Race: Halfling
Dragonmark: The Mark of Healing
Business: The Healers' Guild

House Kundarak
Race: Dwarf
Dragonmark: The Mark of Warding
Business: Banking

House Lyrandar
Race: Half-Elf
Dragonmark: The Mark of Storm
Business:Weather manipulation, airships

House Medani
Race: Half-Elf
Dragonmark: The Mark of Detection
Business: Intelligence and counter-intelligence

House Orien
Race: Human
Dragonmark: The Mark of Passage
Business: Land-based transportation, including the Lightning Rail.

House Phiarlan
Race: Elven
Dragonmark: The Mark of Shadow
Business: Officially, entertainment; unofficially, espionage.

House Sivis
Race: Gnome
Dragonmark: The Mark of Scribing
Business: Communication, translation

House Tharashk
Race: Half-Orcs
Dragonmark: The Mark of Finding
Business: Bounty hunters, inquisitives, prospectors

House Thuranni
Race: Elves
Dragonmark: The Mark of Shadow
Business: Entertainment, espionage, assassination
(Offshoot from House Phiarlan)

House Vadalis
Race: Human
Dragonmark: The Mark of Handling
Business: Animal breeding and training

Sunday 23 February 2020

Faiths of Khorvaire

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The Sovereign Host

The nine gods of the Sovereign Host are worshipped collectively. Their enemies are the Dark Six. They are worshipped for blessings in this life; they do not reward the faithful in the afterlife. They are:

  • Arawai (Sovereign of Light and Love; fertility goddess)
  • Aureon (Sovereign of Law and Lore; magic god)
  • Balinor (Sovereign of Horn and Hunt; nature god)
  • Boldrei (Sovereign of Hearth and Home; community goddess)
  • Dol Arrah (Sovereign of Sun and Sacrifice; sun goddess)
  • Dol Dorn (Sovereign of Strength and Steel; war god)
  • Kol Korran (Sovereign of World and Wealth; trickster god)
  • Olladra (Sovereign of Feast and Good Fortune; luck goddess)
  • Onatar (Sovereign of Forge and Flame; forge god)

The Silver Flame

The Church of the Silver Flame is based in Thrane. It preaches that the faithful ought to live a noble life and fight evil wherever it is found. If they do, their souls will merge with the Silver Flame upon death, which is located in the largest cathedral in Thrane.

The Dark Six

This six evil gods splintered off from the Sovereign Host. They are sometimes worshipped by monsters, criminals or the insane. They are:

  • The Devourer (the destructive side of nature)
  • The Fury (passion driven to extremes)
  • The Keeper (greed and gluttony, and the undead)
  • The Mockery (dishonourable betrayal and unjust war)
  • The Shadow (corruption, ambition and dark magic)
  • The Traveller (chaos, change and transformation)
The Blood of Vol

The Blood of Vol believes that humans can become gods by unlocking the power within their blood.  They are often misunderstood by other religions as worshipping the dead. Their beliefs are associated with the Emerald Claw, a fascist/terrorist paramilitary organisation from Karrnath.

The Undying Court

An elvish cult based on the worship of their unliving ancestors. 

The Becoming God

Some warforged are seeking to build their own god. This faith is most common in the Mournlands, where the Becoming God is slowly being constructed.


There are many different sects of druids. What they have in common is an attempt to live in harmony with nature and to shun the unnatural (different sects have different ideas about what is unnatural). Oalian, the ancient 'leader' of the druids, is a sentient oak tree in the Eldeen Reaches.