Sunday 23 February 2020

Races of Eberron

Here's a list of races for Eberron! Since one of the key themes of Eberron is 'everything in Dungeons and Dragons is legal', there are a lot of options!

Changelings are shapeshifters descended from dopplegangers. They have no culture of their own, and live among all the other nations. Favoured Class: Rogue.

Dragonborn are from a fallen kingdom in what is now Q'Barra. They migrated there from another continent to guard against  the evil Lords of Dust, but were defeated. Favoured Class: Paladin.

Dwarves from the Mror Holds are trying to reclaim their homeland from the Lords of Madness - and some have taken to using the cthuloid weapons of the enemy against them. Favoured Class: Fighter.

Elves are immigrants who have assimilated into the Five Nations. The new nation of Valenar was created by Elvish mercenaries who still follow the old ways: they are warlike ancestor-worshipping horselords. Favoured Class: Ranger.

Gnomes of Zilargo are obsessed with intrigue and secrets. Favoured Class: Bard.

Goblinoids (bugbears, goblins, and hobgoblins) of the Dhakaani Empire ruled over Khorvaire for a thousand years before the coming of humans. During the Last War, the goblins founded a new nation, Darguun, and they seek to rebuild their lost civilisation. Favoured Class: Rogue (Bugbears and Goblins), Fighter (Hobgoblins).

Goliaths are half-giants from the southern continent of Xen'Drik. They dwell in scattered mountain enclaves. Favoured Class: Barbarian.

Half-Elves are more common than elves in Khorvaire, and dwell among the Five Nations. Favoured Class: Any.

Halflings from the Talenta Plains are nomads who have domesticated the local dinosaurs to serve them. There are also halflings spread throughout the Five Nations. Favoured Class: Rogue.

Humans are the dominant race of Khorvaire. The Kingdom of Galifar was human, as were the Five Nations that fought the Last War between them. Their kingdoms are Aundair, Breland, Cyre (now destroyed), Karrnath and Thrane. Favoured Class: Any. 

Kalashtar in Khorvaire are travellers from the distant continent of Sarlona. They fled the Realm of Dreams long ago and merged with humans to escape their enemies, who are still after them. Favoured Class: Psion.

Orcs come from the Shadow Marches. They were taught the secrets of druidcraft, and formed the Gatekeepers, who keep the world safe from horrors from other worlds. Half-Orcs are common in the Shadow Marches, but uncommon in the Five Nations. Favoured Class: Druid (Orcs) or Barbarian (Half-Orcs).

Shifters are 'were-touched' - humans with lycanthrope ancestors. The largest population lives in the Eldeen Reaches. Favoured Class: Ranger.

Tieflings are refugees from distant Sarlona, scattered throughout the Five Nations. Their ancestors sold their souls to demons; some Tieflings view this power as their birthright, while others rebel against it. Favoured Class: Warlock.

Warforged are artificial soldiers created for the Last War. With the war over, freed from their creators, and the creation forges all shut down, they are unsure of the future of their race. Favoured Class: Fighter.

You can also be from any other D&D race! Other options: aarakocra (bird people), aasimar (angel people), centaurs (horse people), firbolg (forest giant people), genasi (elemental people), gith (weird space people), grung (frog people), kenku (raven people), kobolds (runty dragon people), lizardfolk (lizard people), locathah (fish people), loxodons (elephant people), minotaurs (bull people), simic hybrid (mad science amphibious people), tabaxi (cat people), tortles (turtle people), tritons (underwater people), vedalken (blue perfectionist people), verden (capitalist goblin people), yuan-ti pureblood (snake people).

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