Sunday 23 February 2020

Nations of Eberron

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A hundred years ago, the continent of Khorvaire was united under the Kingdom of Galifar. During the Last War, the kingdom splintered into the Five Nations, who fought to become the new rulers. Other smaller nations were also recognised during the Treaty of Thronehold which brought and end to the war.

The Five Nations

Aundair: This pastoral nation is famous for its academic institutions. Major races: Humans, half-elves, elves, gnomes. Minor races: halflings, shifters, changelings. Exports: Wine, cheese, grains, agriculture, books.

Breland: The most cosmopolitan and industrial nation. Sharn, the City of Spires, is the biggest city in the world and is where our game is set. Major races: Humans, gnomes, half-elves. Minor races: elves, dwarves, halflings, changelings, goblins, orcs. Exports: Weapons, armour, tools, processed ore, metalwork, manufactured goods, heavy industry.

Cyre / The Mournlands: Once the greatest crafters and the most beautiful nation in Khorvaire: now a mist-filled deathscape. Its population is dispersed throughout the other kingdoms, especially Breland. What happened on the Day of Mourning? And what does the warforged messiah/terrorist the Lord of Blades want there? Major races: None. Minor races: Warforged.

Karrnath: The most militant of the Five Nations; its depleted armies were supplemented by the living dead during the Last War. Major races: humans, dwarves, halflings. Minor races: half-elves, elves. Exports: Ale, dairy, glass, grain, livestock, lumber, paper, textiles.

Thrane: A theocracy dedicated to the Silver Flame, the abstract embodiment of goodness. Major races: humans, half-elves. Minor races: dwarves, elves, halflings. Exports: Fine crafts, wool, textiles, missionaries, fruit, livestock.

The Other Nations

Darguun: This goblinoid nation seeks to restore the ancient Dhakaani Empire. Major races: goblins, hobgoblins, bugbears. Minor races: kobolds, humans, gnomes. Exports: Mercenary services. 

The Demon Wastes: A blackened wasteland, the last remnants of the ancient demonic empire that once covered Khorvaire. Major races: Humans, orcs, demons. Minor races: Half-orcs. Exports: None.

Droaam: The monsters that lived in the hinterlands of Breland united and seek political recognition. Major races: gnolls, orcs, goblins. Minor races: shifters, half-orcs, harpies, hill giants, humans, medusas, minotaurs, ogres, trolls. Exports: mercenary services, byeshk (magical metal).

The Eldeen Reaches: The primeval, fairy-haunted woodlands on the outskirts of Aundair. Abandoned by that nation during the Great War, its people declared independence. Major races: humans, half-elves, shifters. Minor races: gnomes, halflings, orcs, elves. Exports: Agriculture, animal husbandry.

The Lhazaar Principalities: A loose confederacy of pirate lords, sea barons and merchant princes controlling the eastern archipelago. Major races: humans, gnomes, half-elves, changelings. Minor races: Dwarves, elves, halflings. Exports: Ships, mercenaries, trade goods.

The Mror Holds: The warring Dwarven clans united to form the Mror Holds when they discovered ruins of an ancient Dwarven empire. They are trying to reclaim its ruins from extra-dimensional horrors. Major races: dwarves, humans, orcs. Minor races: gnomes. Exports: Banking, precious and non-precious metals.

Q'Barra: This recently settled frontier nation sees itself as the true successor to a united Galifar, but is plagued with constant fighting against the lizardmen of the swamp. Major races: Lizardmen, humans, kobolds. Minor races: Halflings, dwarves, half-elves, dragonborn. Exports: Eberron Dragonshards.

The Shadow Marches: A desolate moor, the site of an ancient battle between orc druids and extra-dimensional invaders. Major races: Orcs, humans, goblins. Minor races: Half-orcs. Exports: Eberron Dragonshards.

The Talenta Plains: Rugged grasslands, home to the tribal halflings and the dinosaurs that they live alongside. Major races: Halflings, humans. Minor races: Changelings, dwarves. Exports: Crafts, dinosaurs, native art, mercenaries. 

Valenar: Mercenary horsemasters from the elvish kingdom of Aerenal betrayed their employers and formed their own nation. They are not interested in peace. Major races: Elves, humans, half-elves. Minor races: Halflings, hobgoblins. Exports: Horses, mercenaries.

Zilargo: This ancient Gnomish homeland survived due to diplomacy before being recognized as a nation after helping Breland in the Last War. Major races: gnomes, humans, dwarves. Minor races: kobolds. Exports: Alchemical goods, education, entertainment, maps, precious stones, ships.

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